Joep van Leeuwen’s writings are mainly jazz journalism. He deals with jazz history and current jazz affairs. Rather than critiques, his writings concentrate – in a critical way however – on explaining jazz, disclosing the music’s back grounds, esthetics, its appearance, concentrating on the actual sounds of the music rather than getting lost in the circumstantial and the anecdotal. He repeatedly attacks poor jazz criticism.
Het Orgel
This is Europe's oldest organ magazine. In August 2010 Joep published an in depth cover story on the Jazz Guitar meets Church Organ project.
In 2008 Joep published a series of four articles on the history of Third Stream Music for the Belgium jazz magazine Jazzmozaïek. They are written in Dutch:
1) Pre-Third Stream 2) Gecomponeerde Jazz, 3) De Bloei Periode, 4) De Balans.
For the same magazine he wrote four articles on Jazz With Strings in 2009:
1) With Strings; Charlie Parker with Strings , 2) With Strings; de jaren vijftig, 3) With Strings; Free with Strings, 4) With Strings; Onderhoudende Jazz
In 2008 Joep published Professional Music Assessment - The Conservatory Final Exam. This publication written in English is the result of the research Joep did for the lectorate Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten (Autonomy and the public Domain in the Arts) as to the way a conservatory jury reaches its verdict over a student at the jazz department.
Limburgs Dagblad
(1996-2001) From 1996 to 1998 Joep wrote a weekly column titled Jazzy, dealing with current jazz events. From 1998 to 2001 the frequency was lowered some but all in all approximately 140 articles were issued. Here are a few sample articles:
Progressief en Conservatief in de Fout (Jazzy 29 apr 1997)
Jazz in Maastricht, vallen en opstaan (Jazz 4 nov 1997)
Jazz ontmoet Klassiek with Strings (Jazzy 03 jun 1997)
With Strings (2) (Jazzy 10 jun 1997)
Jazz News
(1995-1998) From November 1995 till May 1998, Joep van Leeuwen publishes almost monthly in Jazz News, the magazine issued 10 times a year by SLIM (Stichting Limburg geImproviseerde Muziek / Limburg Foundation for Improvised Music). His articles deal with jazz history as with current jazz events. In several installments he deals with the history of Third Stream Music, The Origin and Development of the Big Band, Jazz and Strings but also writes about the music presented at nearby festivals and writes portraits of Gerry Mulligan, Milt Jackson, Sonny Rollins, etc.